Fee Schdule old (01-01-2003 to 31-12-2023)

S.S.C (O Level)

8000 Rs (800 $ ) per semester

Inters (A Level)

8800 Rs (880 $ ) per semester


9000 Rs (900$ ) per semester


9800 Rs (980 $ ) per semester


10000 Rs (1000 $ ) per semester


6000 Rs (600 $ ) per semester

Fee Schdule old (01-01-2024 to .........)

S.S.C (O Level)

222500 Rs (800 $ ) per semester

Inters (A Level)

244700 Rs (880 $ ) per semester


250300 Rs (900$ ) per semester


272500 Rs (980 $ ) per semester


278200 Rs (1000 $ ) per semester


166875 Rs (600 $ ) per semester

Note 1:- You Want to do course for that purpose form our institute for that you satisfied and know all about so that you achieve your purpose if you do not get your purpose� then also you admission the courses so we are present . Accepted fee cannot be return

Bank Draft

Named by : Syed Abbas Ali Shah Bukhari� Muslimabad ( Masjid noor-e-Muhammadi ) Gujrat Pakistan

Note 2:- All Received Dues are not for Recovery , Return and Refund

Download �Fee Schedule Programs Date Sheet

Home Council Information �Register Detail

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